Picture of Caree Brown
Caree Brown L.C.S.W. Psychotherapy

Individual, Couples, & Family Therapy


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Best of the Bay 2011 Logo

Be the Change You Wish To See

Hits : 291,842 Along with its festive spirit, the Holiday season tends to bring lots of pressure to “perform”. Regardless of whether the expectations come from ourselves or others, many of us appear to be relentlessly caught up in that mutual material madness. And that dizzying treadmill of shopping, gift exchange, parties and “celebrations” does … Read more

The Power of Attitude Approximates Magic

Hits : 290,049 At Thanksgiving time, we are reminded to give thanks, count our blessings, and adopt an attitude of gratitude. What if we could “choose the attitude” with which we face every day of our lives? As a little girl, I often heard my father, in his Russian accent, implore that “the power of … Read more

Missing an Opportunity to Shine Can Leave Us Tarnished

Hits : 290,824 In my practice, I often see men and women who struggle with the truth about their marriages. Deep down, they know that something needs to change or else their marriage will die a slow and meaningless death. Very sadly, many are not able to summon up the necessary courage and humility to … Read more

Remember the Lesson, Forget the Mistake

Hits : 290,229 Many of us beat ourselves up when we think we have made a mistake. Instead of taking responsibility for whatever damage may have been caused , and learning from the experience, we tend to get stuck in that painful abyss of guilt and shame. We desperately wish we could rewrite history , … Read more

What is Interpersonal Conflict?

Hits : 290,705 nterpersonal conflict is defined as a conflict between 2 or more individuals as a result of differences in opinion and/or personality. For example, you and a friend decide to go on a trip together. You agree on a time frame, a budget, and the general location. It’s been decided that the trip … Read more

5 Ways to Deal with Panic Attacks | Stress Management

Hits : 291,849 A panic attack is characterized as a sudden and intense, often overwhelming, feeling of anxiety. Panic attacks are often accompanied by physical symptoms like lightheadedness, nausea, sweating, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and disorientation. These attacks are characteristic of many anxiety disorders, especially panic disorder. Fortunately, there are strategies to help sufferers deal with … Read more