Picture of Caree Brown
Caree Brown L.C.S.W. Psychotherapy

Individual, Couples, & Family Therapy


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Best of the Bay 2011 Logo

Black and White Thinking

Hits : 291,771 Most people have grown accustomed to a mind-set which allows room for only one right answer or one right perspective.  When we adopt this black and white orientation, our spouse becomes our competitor rather than our partner. There is a famous Sufi teaching story about three blind men who meet up with … Read more

Playing is Serious Business

Hits : 290,457 When couples first start dating, they are usually all smiles, take things lightly, and laugh easily at themselves and each other. They make take the rest of their lives very seriously, but somehow they are able to encapsulate their relationship with this kind of playful, light-hearted energy. After time take its toll, … Read more

Water Your Own Garden

Hits : 292,029 Most people think of a relationship as two people, two entities. But the entire emotional landscape of the couple shifts to vast proportions when the relationship can be thought of as its own entity, the third organism, additional to the couple. Some say it is helpful to think of their relationship as … Read more

Understanding Someone with Depression

understanding someone with depression

Hits : 290,888 When someone you love is battling depression, it can be difficult to understand what’s going on. People process depression in different ways and some of the warning signs may not always be apparent. It may also be difficult for your loved one to communicate what is going on with you. If you’re … Read more

Make a Request Rather than a Complaint

Hits : 290,290 In my counseling sessions with couples, I often hear a partner’s defensive and sometimes angry reply to his or her partner’s expression of hurt or disappointment. The perceived blame, taken personally, quickly turns into the issue, and the original event or issue gets lost in the proverbial shuffle. If the communication comes … Read more

Embracing the Uncertainty of Life

Hits : 292,062 The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard once wrote, “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” Kierkgaard’s statement is a powerful reminder of three pieces of timeless wisdom pertaining to the uncertainty of life. First, we need to make “room” in our thinking for the unfolding MYSTERY of our lives. … Read more

Keeping It Simple

Hits : 291,813 At this time of year, what if we could come up with only one resolution that would take us significantly closer to all our goals, assure us a higher level of self-esteem and ultimately come closer to true happiness and fulfillment by the same time next year? While we cannot always control … Read more